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For Aspiring And Professional Artists On The Internets

Malcolm Croft – Kahlo as Muse

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Being a painter Please give us a few words of introduction about yourself I studied photography at college and became a press photographer in Fleet Street and then Manchester. I was very lucky, having turned my hobby into my career.…

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Harry Stoll – Interstellar Inspiration

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Being an artist Please give us a few words of introduction about yourself Harry Stoll is a creative artist who originally trained as a studio potter making high-fired stoneware and porcelain, before later moving into Modern Figurative Sculpture and Contemporary…

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Alexander Johnson, Printmaker – from punk graphics to Rembrandt

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Being an artist Please give us a few words of introduction about yourself Painter/printmaker making semi-abstract work influenced by everything from punk graphics to Rembrandt. When did you decide to pursue art as a career? After seeing a sculpture by…

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Mary Rouncefield – Art and Mathematics

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Please give us a few words of introduction about yourself   I am an artist/printmaker based in Bristol working in a variety of media. I am a member of Spike Print Studios an artists’ cooperative. When did you decide to…

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Jayne Stokes – Going Places

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Please give us a few words of introduction about yourself   I currently live and work in Glasgow. I studied painting at Edinburgh College of Art and went on to complete a Masters in fine art in Barcelona. I work…

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Amy Williams – Paper Cutting

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Please briefly introduce yourself I am an artist currently working in the medium of paper cutting. Each piece is individually cut with a knife and a cutting mat. I am drawn to this simple art form as it is very…

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How To Build An Artists Website

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Here we discuss the different options for obtaining a website for your artwork. Briefly, you can do it yourself, get a friend to do it, pay a professional, or use a website management tool (CMS). [1]such as [ArtWeb] Introduction Do I…

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Preparing Images For The Web

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This section gives some guidlines on how to prepare your images for publishing on the internet. Image_Size_And_Pixels_Chart How_To_Scan_Artwork

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How much will artists sell online in 2010?

By in Art And Culture


How much are artists selling online? We surveyed just under 200 artists from across the globe.

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Introspection from the Australian desert

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This week on Spotlight, we are joined by German-born photographer Tobias Titz, discussing working full time as a professional photographer, as well as his incredible new exhibition ‘Marnti Warajanga’, on display in Canberra, the capital city of Australia.. The Exhibition:…

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Figuratively speaking, Maureen could be watching you!

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In this edition of ‘Spotlight’, I’m talking to talented landscape and figurative painter,  Maureen Monteath.  Maureen has been painting for many years and has enjoyed a rewarding and successful career. When did you decide to pursue art as a career?…

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Artists! Design a festival centrepiece & win passes, publicity & online feature! Deadline May 28 2010

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PROVIDE THE CENTREPIECE FOR NOZSTOCK FESTIVAL AND GET IN FREE Nozstock is a fantastic festival taking place in the Summer heat (hopefully!) of July in beautiful Herefordshire.  More intimate than it’s big brothers, Glastonbury and Reading, it is attracting some…

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Basildon & District-based artists needed for Art Trail 2010 – Deadline 18 June 2010

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Calling all artists living and working in Basildon District – Your Art Trail needs you! Plans for the new Basildon Art Trail are gathering pace and now with venues expressing interest, the trail needs local artists to display their work.…

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London Artists Wanted For Exhibition – Deadline 30 April 2010.

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‘How beautiful ugliness is!’ is a collaborative show organised and curated by Red Gate Gallery to be held between the 28th of May and 24th of June 2010. What is the voyeuristic impulse behind our attraction to the gruesome and the…

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Art Courses – Taking and Teaching Them

By in Art And Culture


2. ART COURSES – TAKING ‘EM AND TEACHING ‘EM! If you’re an artist who makes a living from their work (or at least has a fair stab at it!), the chances are you’ve undertaken some form of art training in…

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Just wanted to say what a fantastic support/info system you run. I've just read the newsletter regarding image copyright law and it's very informative... thanks!"

- Michele Wallington
