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How To

Learn how to up your game as an artist with our helpful artwork tutorials, tips and techniques covering art business, art practice and online art marketing.

Beyond the Canvas: 7 Ways to Make Money Aside from Selling Your Work

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Making a living from selling your art work alone can be a real struggle, especially at times when the financial climate is dire and people don’t have the spare money to pay for artwork. Here are a few suggestions of…

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Breaking Boundaries: Ways to Push Yourself as an Artist

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As artists we often settle in our comfort zone. It is especially easy to do so when your work is selling well, the feedback is strong and you are facing less obstacles. How long should we stay in that comfort…

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Open For Business: How to Respond to an Open Call

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Life as an artist can sometimes be overwhelming. What with juggling the day job to pay the rent; explaining to colleagues what it is, exactly, you do; researching the gallery your friend has just hired for two and three-quarter days…

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8 steps to overcoming creative block

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Bright art studio with a large window. Easels and canvases. Woman artist paints a picture on canvas.

All creative people at some point or another suffer from ‘artists’ block’, a cycle of frustration generated through a lack of inspiration and a lack of self-belief. These two creative enemies perpetuate one another until the artist in question reaches…

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Guest Post by Emma Cownie: Promoting Artwork via Video

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Emma Cownie is an artist based in Swansea. To see more of her work, please visit her website at Using video as a promotional tool I wanted to promote my artwork in a different manner to the promotion normally…

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8 Artists in control of their branding

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A few months ago we wrote an article about how important the idea of branding is for artists. We talked about building an identity, sharing the stories behind your work, and gaining publicity through various sources. For this article we’ve…

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8 more ways to improve your artist blog

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Ok, so it might be a cold, demotivating January outside, but hey, it’s still just the beginning of 2015! What better time than to update your blog – to take it to another level, beyond all expectations of what a…

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Guest post: Artist Kyla Tomlinson talks decision-making and motivation

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Our guest post series provides insights into artist life, from artists’ points of view. Here artist Kyla Tomlinson talks about her personal career path, the importance of making decisions and making them happen, and her plans for the future. You…

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Arts & Crafts Fairs – A Festive How-to

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Hello! It’s that exciting, festive time of year again, when arts & crafts fairs are taking place left right and centre, and customers are on the look out for original, personal, and creative gifts for their loved ones. It’s the…

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The Bluecoat’s Bryan Biggs on Maximising Opportunities with Arts Centres

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We recently featured an interview with jewellery designer Anthony Wong, an artist in residence at the Bluecoat Liverpool. Here Bryan Biggs, Artistic Director of The Bluecoat, talks to Sally Edgar about how artists can make the most of opportunities created by…

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Just wanted to say what a fantastic support/info system you run. I've just read the newsletter regarding image copyright law and it's very informative... thanks!"

- Michele Wallington
