Every year there are thousands of art competitions boasting a combined cash prize pot of millions of dollars and the chance to exhibit in some of the most prestigious galleries in the world. And the good news is that they take place every year. Whatever your medium and wherever you work, there will be dozens of open exhibitions and art contests for you to enter each year.
We’ve put together a list of the best annual art competitions. These run every year, usually around the same time, so all you need to to is add to your diary, bookmark the webpage and keep an eye on their online details. You can also sign up for our free newsletter, which features new competitions. The dates for 2025 art competitions are approximate and liable to change – so keep your eye on the page!
See our latest guide to the best 2024 international competitions
Open exhibitions
An open exhibition (or open call) is a non-juried event that allows all interested artists to display their work. Not surprisingly, they are the most common type of competition and usually the easiest place for artists to find success. Chances are, you’ll find an art contest of this type within walking distance of your studio. That’s often because community groups, art institutions and cooperatives view open exhibitions as a public service and a way to give voice to emerging artists.
That said, while open exhibitions may be less competitive, they are not without their guidelines. For example, these contests may be limited to certain mediums, such as painting, photography or sculpture. Alternatively, the competition may be themed by landscapes, environment, or portraiture etc.
To take advantage of these opportunities, check out our blog on how to apply to an open call.
TIP: If you’re competing for space in an open exhibition, the events are usually planned months in advance. So there is plenty of time to create a bespoke piece that meets the exhibit requirements.
Annual International Art Competitions
RA Summer Exhibition
Prize fund: £50,000
Next competition date: February 2025
This is the largest open-submission art exhibition in the world with 16,500 total entries. In fact it often closes early once it reaches a certain number of entrants.
Prizes included for sculpture, print, painting and drawing, as well as prizes for women artists and students. The purpose of the competition is to get a chance to exhibit at London’s Mall Galleries.
Photo: © David Parry/ Royal Academy of Arts
Wildlife Artist of the Year
Next competition date: March 2025
Established in 2008, these awards have raised more than $2m to fund David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation and celebrate our planet’s wildlife. The competition excludes photography, film and digitally created images.
Prize: £10,000 (includes a £5,000 cash prize to the artist and a £5,000 conservation voucher to be donated in the winner’s name to a DSWF species of their choice).
Jackson’s Painting Prize
Next competition date: February 2025
Open to artists of all ages, this brilliant art competition showcases original, 2D fine art works in any painting or drawing media.
Prize: £6,000 overall winner plus eight subject awards and four medium awards. Winners also receive lots of painting supplies.
The show forms part of the Affordable Art Fair, Hampstead & Bankside Gallery, by Tate Modern in London.
Art Biennale
Next venue: Liverpool
Next competition date: late 2024
As the name suggests, Biennales are held every other year. But whether it’s London or Paris, there is one every year. Prize money is usually big, but not as large as the kudos that goes with being exhibited. There are hundreds of binennales – from Bermuda to Bangkok and all have their own way of organising their events.
The competitions differ each year, but organizers accept a wide range of works, including works on canvas, works on board, works on paper, applied arts such as collage/mixed medias, photography, digital art, video art, sculpture and installation.
Each Biennale goes with a highly anticipated show held at a pretigious gallery. You can look at the latest list of planned biennales on the link – follow the map.
Artists Magazine Annual Art Competition
Prize: More than $20,000 in cash prizes and publication in Artists Magazine.
Expected date of next competition: TBC
Artists Magazine’s Annual Art Competition celebrates traditional 2D artistic mediums such as painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, digital art, and much more. It’s been running for more than 40 years and there are a range of categories for artists to enter, including Portrait/Figure, Still Life, Landscape, Abstract, and Animal/Wildlife.
The Sunny Art Prize
Expected date of next competition: May 2025
Prize: £6,000 plus a month-long art residency in China, and a solo exhibition in London.
One of the most diverse art competitions, the Sunny Art Prize offers unique exposure for both emerging and established artists. The art contest accepts entries in a diverse range of media including painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramic art, printmaking, installation art, mixed media, video art, and photography.
World Illustration Awards
Prize: £2,000 and more publicity opportunities.
Next competition date: late 2024
Organised by the Association of Illustrators, the competition is designed to celebrate the art of illustration in all its forms. Illustrators worldwide can submit work they have created or published in eight different categories. Alongside cash prizes, artists get global exposure, as well as promotional support and a major exhibition in central London. Most years also have a glittering awards ceremony.
Royal Society of Portrait Painters
Prizes: A share of $55,000 and a group exhibition
Next competition entry: late 2024
This annual highly sought after title takes place every year as an open call form the society set up to promote the art of potraiture. Despite its stuffy sounding name, the competition isn’t just for painters – they also accept digital work and prints. There’s a space on the wall of a showcase exhibition to be won, along with a share of a $55,000 prize fund up for grabs.
Want more? We’ve put together a list of 2024’s best competitions. You can also read our expert tips on how to win art competitions.
Starting out? Check out our guide to Monthly Competitions that will raise your profile
Feeling inspired? Here’s a few more guides to explore:
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