The artist Elena Svobodina is in the spotlight today, and you can see more of here work at
Being an artist
Please give us a few words of introduction about yourself
I hold Bachelor degree in Arts since 1994 from a still-Soviet University in a navy port of Vladivostok, and an MBA from an American business school. I lived my life for international businesses for a decade, and suddenly felt an urge to start expressing the feelings, experiences, ideas that I have after years of working in exotic counties, experiencing personal dramas… and people seem to like what I’m doing. So I gladly decided to share my works with the world.
How and when did you start out as an artist?
Two and a half years ago I started taking individual classes in oil painting from a renowned Russian artist (Irina Dragunskaya). She recommended me to proceed with studies and I joined the British School of Art and Design.
What training did you have?
Individual courses one and a half year, then British school of Art and Design for one year.
What has been your best creative achievement so far?
My works are selling well online:)
My personal exhibition will be held in my home town this summer.
General Questions
What’s your favourite quote?
‘Life is a miracle’.
Who is your favourite artist?
Frida Kahlo.
What are you aiming for?
To become a good artist. To meet people with similar values. To help my friers (artists who work in rural regions and cannot sell their works). I do not know the platform for that, but there must be one.
How will you get there?
Learning in School, Practicing, sharing.
Is anything holding you back?
No.. Work, but I will take an easier career path.
You and art
What sort of reactions do you get to your work? are you ever surprised?
Not so far, but I should assume that the majority of feedback I have from friends or… even worse… from my reports. Of course, they said good things:)
From start to finish, how long does it take for you to create your work?
Sometimes, 4-5 weeks, but usually 1-2 weeks.
What music do you like to listen to when you work?
Russian Rock singer Zemphira.
What is next in the pipeline for you? Any new directions or shows coming up?
I recently had an open exhibition as port of Students Exhibition at the British School in Moscow.
Being inspired by art
Who (living or dead) inspires you? and why?
Again Frida. She is strong with all her pain, she painted beautiful pictures. She married a difficult guy and being a disabled person was still an attractive woman attracting men. She helped the politician Trotsky, whom I respect. So we share some values.
What feelings, subjects or concepts inspire you as an artist?
Loneliness and happiness.
Beautiful landscapes – I want to me them modern , but still appealing to tastes of simple people who claim they do not like modern art.
What is your favourite work that you’ve produced so far and why?
Innocent – it is uploaded. There is a line of people who want to buy it among my friends. This is how I measure success.
an artist’s advice
Have you got any advice for those starting out as an artist?
Try to understand different styles, understanding helps to like.