Date: Thursday 22 October, 2pm – 5pm
Venue: The Anatomy Theatre and Museum, King’s College London, Strand Campus
Cost: Free
This event will explore and showcase some of the exciting collaborations between universities and artists-in-residence. The event will involve a chaired discussion of the benefits of collaboration for both parties, as well as providing a networking opportunity to encourage the development of future partnerships.
Speakers will include: Professor Alan Read, Head of Drama, King’s College London; Oreet Ashery and Sonia Boyce, AHRC Creative and Performing Art Fellowship holders at Queen Mary, University of London and University of the Arts respectively; Carole Hayman (former artist-in-residence at King’s College London); Emily Butterworth (French Dept, King’s College London) and Clare Qualmann (artist).
It will be one of the first events to make use of the unique surroundings and facilities of the Anatomy Theatre and Museum at King’s College London’s Strand Campus and is open to anyone interested in the role of artists-in-residence working on university.