Being an artist
Please give us a few words of introduction about yourself
I’m studying A Level art & design, and have applied to do a foundation degree in art and design in September 2012. I like to draw, paint, mess around. Sometimes tight, sometimes loose.
What made you decide to take up art?
I have literally always been interested in art and music. My Gran and Uncle probably influenced me the most when I was younger, though.
What training did you have?
GCSE, A Level.
What has been your best creative achievement so far?
I made a ‘dolls house’ from a drawer. It was interactive, and it took me hours. I loved it.
General Questions
What’s your favourite quote?
‘Everything works out in the end, and if it isn’t working out, then it’s not the end.’
Who is your favourite artist?
Rue Asher, Michael Raedecker.
What are you aiming for?
I want to play music and make art and find love.
How will you get there?
Draw, build, create, meet, greet.
Is anything holding you back?
Nothing, right now.
You and art
What sort of feedback to you get from people see your work?
They tend to be positive.
From start to finish, how long does it take for you to create your work?
Depends. Sometimes ten minutes, sometimes forty hours.
What music do you like to listen to when you work?
Recently, The Maccabes. However, anything really works for me.
What is next in the pipeline for you?
Three A2 studies combining imagery from photographs as well as first hand studies, experimenting with light, colour and composition.
Being inspired by art
Who (living or dead) inspires you? and why?
Peter Doherty, as a musician and an artist. Maybe it’s just because I’m young, but he fights back. The media bombard him, and yes, he does wrong. But he gets back up, and he creates something utterly beautiful.
What feelings, subjects or concepts inspire you as an artist?
I like buildings, light, colour, space, and mood.
What is your favourite work that you’ve produced so far and why?
My drawer. I spoke about it earlier in detail: it was my final composition for my A Level Unit Two (Mystery and Imagination)
an artist’s advice
What do you think it takes to make a good an artist?
Doing it because you want to do it.